Jul 06, 2006 04:45
Well, I've had three midnight shifts so far...and I like them, mind you I havent had any really busy shifts yet so I'm sure I'll be kicking myself once I do...but still...its much more fun than the day shifts. And I really like the people that are workin nights. They all seem kool. The one thing is that my complete change in sleep patterns has left me with three days of little to no sleep and little to no food. So I got really sick once I got home yesterday morning. So I made sure to eat lots and tonight I'm going to sleep like a baby. No work tomorrow. I can get some time to adjust.
And on another topic, I woke up Monday morning, and there was money on the kitchen counter (my dad NEVER leaves money lying around) and my dad was gone. He didn't come back the next day and then my sister told me he was doing some Orf classes...but he wasnt' answering his cell and I hadnt the faintest clue where he was or when he was coming home. And then his girlfriend told me today that he was at my grandparents and commuting to Toronto and will be back on the 15th...So ya...lovely, he totally forgot to tell me. LoL, at least i didnt make plans to go away too or the cats would have starved. Anyways...I'm going to go to sleep now. A nice long comotosical snore fest.