Sep 03, 2004 15:55
So it's been about a month since i've updated. I've been too busy/lazy to do much of anything besides homework lately. For those of you just joining in, I'm back at dayton and life is good, except for tonight. It's friday night and I feel like absolute shit, so it looks like it's gonna be me and Barry the whole night. (Barry is the name of our p.o.s. couch we bought at the thrift store for $20. Ugliest couch you've ever seen. And I love him.) It might end up being a good thing, I have alot of reading/homework/stuff/cleaning to catch up on, but odds are i'll just watch tv or play stepmania for the rest of the night. I even feel too shity to dance! Lame! So homework this semester sucks too. I'm completely swamped with it, hopefully i'll be able to keep up with all the shit i'm doing (or trying to do); ASME, Habitat for humanity, and the like. Not to mention intermural sports which will probably be tennis, soccer, and, the best sport ever, DODGEBALL! Yeah, we have an intermural dodgeball team. Fuggin Waysome (copyright K-ton). Last night was quite eventfull too. I had, as usual, like a million homeworks to do. So i'm three problems from being done, three problems which could, considering the classes, take a couple hours, and I decide that i've had enough so i'm going out. Best idea ever. It wasn't really out, I just went to Jon Brett and Rock's room and had a couple drinkys. I came back after a couple hours, and finished my physics homework, still drunk, and then kinda chilled while jared and will finished thiers. Finally got to bed at 3:30, and, needless to say, I felt like shit this morning, which brings me to now, still feeling like shit, but not a hungover shit, like a stuffy nose and a horrible cough, that feels kinda like a facehugger raped me in my sleep and a alien worm is about to chew it's way out of my esophagus. So... read a book, watch a movie, pass out, or get drunk. Depends how I feel. Oh yeah, and whoever hasn't come to visit yet, come down, because I love dayton. and I love you. So come, now. Especially you kevin, because your coming here next year, like it or not.