Jun 13, 2010 19:06
I attended some friend's graduation yesterday, and for the most part they will be the last generation of UCSB students that I know and went to school with (I'm an '07 alumni). Beginning in Fall, the batch of students there will have completely cycled out from when I was there. During the ceremony and after I got pretty nostalgic of the great times I had there. Browsed some old photos and later checked up on this community. I started to browse the old posts here and man, it further brought back memories. Strange how the once very active community is now desolate due to other social networking sites taking over.
For those who still check this community out, a very big congratulations to the class of 2010. I love being a Gaucho and terribly miss being a student there!
If any of you "old-timers" still check this, I would be curious to hear what you alumnus have been up to!