Feb 17, 2004 21:04

OK. So I'm semi fed up at this point. I rent the classic of a life time....The Wizard of Oz and not only did the LAST TWENTY minutes of the damned movie skip but all the key best scenes. How fucking LAME is that. Oooh I'm demanding a credit for this one!

On another note, fantastically horrible quote for the day:

Context: Christina, Amanda, "other" Amanda and I are all sitting around chatting about our Valentine's Day weekends and I've just shared my story...

Our other friend Amanda waited patiently and started talking to me...

Amanda: So my boyfriend of five years...
Me: Bitch
Amanda: ...and I broke up a couple weeks ago
Me: Oh my god...soooooo sorry
Amanda: I'll wait for you to pull your foot out of your mouth.
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