For bugchicklv Lost Horizons

Jun 13, 2006 04:57

Title: Lost Horizons
Author: goth_huntress
Crossover: Angel/Farscape - Lindsey McDonald/John Crichton
Rating: X
Written for: bugchicklv
Prompts: Slash

Lindsey was feeling pretty damned good. He had a beautiful wife, a loving family, a beautiful house, and never a care in the world. He was just stepping outside to collect the daily paper while his wife made breakfast for the family. He waved to the neighbors and they waved back, all of them trying to out smile the other. Then he heard the sound of thunder in the clear blue sky, and as he tilted his face back, raising a hand to shield his clear blue eyes from the sky, he saw a dark shape hurtling towards him. With a yelp, she stepped back just in time to avoid being smashed to the ground by a man dressed in black leather who landed face down on the lawn.

“Are you all right?” Lindsey asked bending over to look at the man who must have fallen out of a hot air balloon or something like it. He hadn’t heard a plane, and the guy wasn’t wearing a parachute.

“Oh man,” John groaned rolling over slowly onto his back. The wind had been knocked out of him. “That was the worst belly flop I have ever had.” The guy wearing the hippy medallion and the casual jeans and shirt’s eye’s widened when he saw Winona at John’s side. “Oh don’t worry. I’m not goin’ to shoot you. Where the hell am I?”

“Lost Horizons,” Lindsey said offering the man in black and red a hand to get up.

“You mean like the movie? This doesn’t much look like Shangri La.”

“It’s the name of the subdivision. Let’s get you inside,” the former lawyer for the devil said as he let John lean against him. The leather he was wearing clung to him like a second skin, and Lindsey was suddenly very aware just how much bigger the falling man was. “Where did you come from?”

“Subdivision?” John smiled. “So this is earth? Damn, I wasn’t tryin’ for earth, but I’m not going to complain. Do you have a phone I can use?”

“Sure,” Lindsey popped open the door, easing John Crichton onto the sofa while he went to get him a bottle of water.

“Honey? The light in the oven went off. Can you get me a new bulb from the basement please?” his pretty blonde wife asked with a big smile on her face that just made him giddy.

“We’ve got company honey,” he said as he grabbed the bottle of designer water from the fridge. “Why don’t you come and say hello?”

“Company?” Honey didn’t look too pleased, and glared towards the living room where the man in black leather was sitting. No one had told Honey that there would be company. She came into the living room. This wasn’t part of her job. She wasn’t supposed to have to deal with guests. “Well I’m sure he won’t mind if you get me a light bulb sweetie.”

“Hi,” he held out his hand to pop open the bottle and washed down some of the wormhole dust in his nose. “I’m John Crichton. I’m from Florida.”

“How nice,” she glared. John felt sorry for the guy. His wife was a serious nag. “Lindsey. Light bulb, now.”

Lindsey knew he didn’t want to go into the basement, and John could see how nervous it was making the little guy. “Tell you what Lindsey,” John said climbing to his feet. He didn’t really want to be alone with the She Devil anyway. “How about I go get the light bulb?”

“No, really, you’re a guest.” Honey almost snarled.

Something just didn’t feel right in this house. John stepped up besides Lindsey who looked like he’d been kicked in the gut, and was rubbing at his chest with one hand like he had heartburn. “I don’t mind,” Lindsey said heading for the basement door with John in tow.

John’s reality was jolted when the basement turned into a torture chamber, with a big furnace on one side. “Well this is different. Did honey want you to come down here for some kinky sex?” John picked up some shackles and checked them for weight.

“No, “ Lindsey blushed as John bent over to pick up the chains. The basement didn’t look like he thought it would either, but he knew it was like this. “I’m lost here.” He walked towards John, his eyes twitching as he waited for Him to come. “I’m supposed to wait for him to come.”

“OK, this is disgusting?” John nearly puked when he found a barrel filled with fresh and rotting human hearts.

“Those are mine,” Lindsey said with a whimper sliding against the wall as he heard Him coming. “He rips it out of my chest every day.” Suddenly it all came clear to Lindsey as John turned towards what sounded like a grizzly bear. “Oh god, shoot it. I’ll do anything you want. Just fuckin’ kill it.”

When the demon torturer appeared, Lindsey didn’t need to ask John to help him again. Winona blazed, the pulse pistol sending burning hot pellets searing through the demon’s flesh. He’d never felt a weapon like it. He was supposed to be immune to all earthly weapons, and that’s what killed him. John’s gun wasn’t from earth at all.

Lindsey curled into a ball on the ground shivering in the corner. John crouched in front of him brushing some of the lawyer’s long brown hair out of his eyes. “Why is that thing down here? What’s going on?”

“I’m being punished. I’m never going to get out of here. That woman’s not my wife. This isn’t my house. This is my piece of hell for betraying my bosses.”

“Your bosses are worse than Scorpy, dude.” John’s thumb brushed one of the tears from Lindsey’s face as the door to the blazing furnace opened behind him.

“You can get out through there. I can’t leave. I’ll burn up.”

“So you’re down here, getting your heart ripped out by that thing every 24 hours, and you can’t leave. Sucks to be you buddy. Maybe I can take you out of here?”

“You can’t. Trust me. I know how the Senior Partners work.”

John stood back up, looking into the fire, but feeling no heat. “Is there anything I can do for you Lindsey?” He looked at the body of the demon and felt a shiver run up his spine. “I could leave you my gun.”

“No, it’ll just vanish. Once I go upstairs, my day starts over again. I won’t even remember you were here. Can you do one thing for me?”

“What’s that Linds?” John helped Lindsey get back to his feet. The smaller man’s chest was heaving and his heart was pounding so hard John thought it might jump into the barrel on its own.

“Let me have a kiss. I don’t like guys. I’m not like that, and I don’t think you are either. But I would just like to know one moment of some kindness before I go back upstairs. Please John.”

Crichton looked into Lindsey’s eyes. He didn’t know why he’d fallen through that wormhole into Lost Horizons, and he didn’t know if it was real or not. For all he knew he was dreaming after getting too drunk with Chiana. “I don’t see any harm in it.” John cupped Lindsey’s face, and he lowered his lips to drink from his mouth, tangling tongues until they were both out of breath. “Aw hell, why stop with just a kiss?” Lindsey’s hands were shaking like dry leaves on the wind as John began to unbuckle his tight fitting black leather pants. “Well you are going to pull down your pants too aren’t you?”

Lindsey soaked back a sob, as he tugged down his jeans and underwear. He was shaking with fear and need as John turned him around to face the wall. He didn’t even mind the taste of cobwebs mixing with John’s taste on his tongue. The pain was quick and exquisite. Crichton’s hands were tight on his hips, holding him in place while he fucked him until they both cried out in release.

“Good bye Lindsey, I’m sorry I can’t take you with me.” The man in black leather stepped into the cold fire, and vanished from Lindsey’s reality. He cried until his eyes felt like they were going to fall out of his head, and then headed upstairs to start his life all over again. He hoped he’d still be able to taste John on his tongue when that happened.
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