(no subject)

May 20, 2010 08:33

Title: WTF?
Author: Xenjn
Band: Lin, Spiv States, Mago
Pairing: RikuxJun if you squint
Rating: T
Warnings: ehh...cursing?
Summery: First fanfic I've written in months, but the plot bunnies BIT me, I couldn't help it. I had to write this. It's nothing special, but I think it's cute. ;D btw, the interview question and response in this fic really happened. <3

   "So have you bought any new CD's lately? If not what is the most recent music you have been listening to?"

Riku let out a little breath, keeping a light upward tilt on his lips for show only, quite frankly he wasn't really one for interviews most of the time, if anything he would rather be back at the studio, recording more songs.

He was so impatient these days, with his age, mortality, all of it hanging over him...he didn't want to waste anymore time. The first thing on his to-do list was a world tour, and the time spent in this chair with his nails gently clawing at the arm rests, was time wasted.

He answered the question without thought. "I have not bought any CD's recently, I listen to Kiyoharu mostly."

The answer was short, sweet, to the point, and Riku saw absolutely no problem with it.


A few days later, Kisaki had posted the link to the interview to his blog. Of course Riku noticed this and didn't care. He was THERE, why re-read something he experienced? He brushed it aside and went about his day like usual.

Later that night, a certain pink haired guitarist rose from his seat on his couch. He set his mockingbird down gently on the cushions before stretching a bit, yawning widely as he did so. Bed time. Almost.

It was late, he knew, but Jun wanted to check a few websites on the internet, he did his usual rounds, checking Iori's blog, Mikami's, Seyia's, and of course, Kisaki's.

He always checked Kisaki's (since Riku didn't seem to post anymore) he and Kisaki were still close, and he still wanted to know what was happening in his life.

This was when Jun happened upon the interview for Lin. Something in his chest tugged at him. The little clicker hovered above the link...This was stupid. Jun needed rest, Spiv States just released their first mini album and he was itching to write more music.

...Truth be told, he really didn't want to click the link because of that tugging feeling in his chest. He had come to terms with Mago ending a while ago...but he still missed it. They had all been a perfect match...and the idea of reading an interview with his vocalist and bassist calling someone else their guitarist seemed painful, to say the least.

...Jun shook his head of these thoughts. "No!" He said aloud, a determined look coming to his face. He shifted in his computer chair, no longer hunching his shoulders. "I am going to be happy for them and support their new band! They're my friends and I shouldn't be..." Jealous was the word, but Jun didn't say it.

Instead he just clicked the link and began reading the interview.

A minute or so passed, it didn't take too long to get to the end, after all he was skipping over anything that wasn't Kisaki's or Riku's replies to the questions.

(He could support them! That didn't mean he had to support anyone ELSE.)

Jun arrived to the question of "Have you bought any new CDs" And his heart began hammering, a wide smile coming to his lips. This was it, there had to be a reason that he clicked the link, and he knew it now.

He almost didn't bother to read the replies, because he knew for SURE that Riku would mention buying the brand new Spiv States album! After all, Jun bought the LIN album because he wanted to support Riku. And he was sure that Riku knew just how much Spiv States needed the attention.

...Oh fuck it! He'd read it anyway, just to see his name and to see that he wasn't forgotten like he had feared. Feeling giddy, Jun leaned closer to his computer, quickly reading Riku's response.

...It had taken a moment to sink in, but slowly the grin on Jun's lips faded.

He sat back in his chair, staring at the screen silently. He must've re-read the reply about 20 times by now.

...That...that BASTARD!!!

Jun stood from his chair so suddenly and so violently that the poor thing fell backwards, but he didn't care. Instead the guitarist made his way over to the table near his guitar and picked up his cell phone.

The screen blared at him, 2:30am. Perfect.

He didn't hesitate dialing Riku's number.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Riku groaned miserably, his phone blaring in his ears. "Aghh..." With his eyes closed he blindly reached onto the floor from his futon, trying to locate the object that had awoken him.

After two extremely loud rings, he found it and managed to crack open his eyes. The screen blared at him and made him groan again. He was too tired for this shit.

After letting his eyes adjust for a second he saw the name on the caller ID.

...What the hell?

Before Jun was sent to voice mail, Riku answered the phone, putting it to his ear and taking in a breath. "Jun...What is it?" He grumbled out, rubbing his eyes with his index finger and his thumb.

There was no response on the other line at first, and Riku blinked a little, sitting up in bed. He knew Jun was still on the other line, he heard the younger man breathing.



Riku blinked a few times in the dark before pulling the phone away from his ear and staring at it.

...What the fuck just happened?   

riku x jun

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