ADD vs. Flow

Mar 29, 2005 21:38

Working Spring Break Camp, I have come to the realization that my disbelief in ADD is similar to my studies of Flow. And this is why...

ADD= Attention Deficit Disorder
Flow= the period of time where skill level is equal to challange.

Flow consists of reaching that point where you participate in an activity and you are so involved, nothing else matters. The amount of skill involved equals your ability to participate in that activity. You are not bored, and the activity is not too difficult in which you give up.

I do not believe in ADD. Kids have been around since the beginning of time, yes? Why must everything that disrupts society be labeled a name and given a drug to try and fix it? Or, let's call it a disease, and say genetics have something to do with it. Really? Half of what our society has evolved into being, is our own fault. It's the way we create it. The way kids are raised, the way parents act, and certain circumstances form us into what we are today.

Kids are presented with the "Baby Momma Drama", the "crack baby syndrome", the "teenage baby having babies" problem, or the "my mother said I have to have this baby" deal. Having no daddy may force a mom to work all the damn time and never be with the kid, drugs... enough said, little girls who don't know how to change a diaper, let alone raise a kid, and then the mothers who didn't even want the kid. Hmm. Ok. So it's all psychological? I beg to differ. It's sociological. What happens at home is reflected in our behavior elsewhere.

So we go to school right? We become bored. Our mind wonders elsewhere. We think about other things to try and keep us busy. Or, we are presented with something that we know cannot be done. Our mind finds other things to occupy our time with. Yes, our attention is altered elsewhere. So why not present kids with something that will get them in the "flow". Where they are not bored, and they can actually do what is expected of them. Yes it may be hard. but I think people should be challanged to find this flow for kids to be in, rather than blame it on "chemical imbalances". Some kids like to go out and play. Let them play!! Let them get all the energy out, then come back when they are ready to learn! Kids are kids. Being hyper should be expected of them. What's the use in being a kid if you can't? For real. I'm done. Later.
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