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May 21, 2006 19:21

Right now, I should be studying but I'm thinking about too many things to be able to concentrate. I'm finishing up my 3rd year at UCLA, just 3 weeks to go, and I'm still finding myself unsatisfied with my school experience. I'm totally interested in Linguistics, but it's destroying any chance I have of getting into grad school. For my midterm in Typology, I got a 103/250. That's a 41%. Yeah. Thank God that it was only worth 25% of my total grade and that I've been kicking ass on the homeworks, which is 50%. But the best I can do now is a B. I'm gonna have to do better than that to get my GPA up. So, as much as I love Linguistics, I need to change to help my GPA. I've decided on Anthropology with an emphasis in Linguistic Anthropology. I won't have to take any more Ling classes, because I've already taken all the ones I need for the emphasis. I think I'm much better at Anthro, plus I'm interested in it just as much as I'm interested in Ling. So this will be major change #3 and I hope it's the last one. Before I actually do it, I'm gonna go talk to a counselor and see how long this is gonna take me. Hopefully not too long. I'll probably be there an extra quarter. No more than 2. I hope. My mom said it doesn't matter. To me it kind of does, but I've been thinking that I should really be more concerned about raising my GPA than graduating on time. I might be able to do it anyway. We'll see. Apparently in the Anthro major, almost all the classes for the specialization overlap into the specialization. I will have to take some Archaeology classes though, which shouldn't be too much fun. Oh yeah, and the other cool thing about this major is that all I have to take is Japanese 1, which is one quarter as opposed to a whole year. And no more Spanish. This should also help me arrange my schedule in a way that I don't have to go to campus every single day. Even one day off would be really, really helpful. The more I think about this idea, the more I love it. I only wish I had done it sooner. I hope an Anthro counselor can see me this week. It seems like everyone is trying to change their major at about this time.

In other college news, Dustin graduated. It was nice and I'm so proud of him. Then we had cake and pizza with all his friends. I talked to Daniel's sister, Sara, for a long time. I liked her so much, she made me realize that sometimes I do like talking to girls. And Jen, Itza, and Zoraida too. Just not girls that suck. Daniel also graduated, and we went to his party on Saturday. That was pretty much all we did all weekend. Dustin got a new TV so we made good use of it. It's nice but I still don't really see the big deal about it. He absolutely loves it though so that's really all that matters. And he seemed truely surprised by my present, which was nice too. I got him some DVD. Phantom of Liberty. It's foreign. He picked it up at Tower last weekend and I went back and bought it after he left. Yay me. Now I need to find him a damn birthday present.

Three weeks and three days of finals till the end of this quarter. I'm itching for the summer. Even though it's just more school. But it's only one class per session and tons of Phino time. I just can't wait.
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