I am cleaning up all of my data and making it presentable. Writing a paper is a bit like having your parents come to visit. There's good stuff there, worthy of being shown off and presented, but it all must be cleaned, polished, and displayed in the best way possible. I actually am getting more convinced of some of my data the more I clean it up . . . what's interesting is one bit of it (the regulatory T cell aspect) actually didn't look promising when I was running it . . . and I almost threw out the samples, but it actually is going to be a great figure. What gives?
We go to New York next week. The goal is to have all of the data for the paper (except my TCR work) done by the time I get on the plane, and in figure form. We shall see.
I got a new desk yesterday. Actually, my mom got me a desk, because when I told her I was buying a desk, she said, "wait, are you still using that thing you had in college?" When I answered yes and she told me it should have been thrown out when I moved, she offered some delightful reimbursement. I'm just excited that it's smaller (my room is small enough as it is) and has a filing cabinet! Hooray for organization!
I will post photos from Helen & Jon's wedding when I get a chance. It was gorgeous, as could only be expected from Helen, and after I gave my speech (when I was in the clear) I definitely hit the bar. How else do you get a scientist to dance? But, a teaser of me in my bridesmaid getup (Magdalena's the redhead) . . .