Jan 30, 2005 07:41
So for those who don't already know, I'm fascinated by dreams. At one point last year my friend Jeremy commented that my Livejournal had turned into a "dream log." Figments of the subconscious, random synapse firings in the brain, or messages from the unknown...whatever dreams really are, there's nothing quite like waking up from an insane, complicated dream. Did you know that we dream every night and we just don't recall it all? Another interesting thing that Crystal helped me discover I wasn't alone in dealing with, is the phenomenon of post-dream explanations...try explaining a really vivid dream to someone and chances are you'll find it impossible to really convey what you want. Words can only say so much...especially if your dreams are as mind-boggling as mine.
A couple nights ago I had a lengthy dream, but the part I remember most was hanging out with my friend Cody and then being led into a room that was one giant chronic fest...everyone was smoking weed. It was strange and rather funny looking back. But that's all I remember.
Now last night was more exciting. I ended up in my roommate Chris' hometown of Valencia (near Magic Mountain) and somehow I ended up attempting to steal a car, which I still can't figure out if it was my own car that had transferred in possession to someone else who wanted my car....or if it was this piece of junk car that was in this junkyard I was in. The cops came and I ended up looking down from the side of the freeway. All I know is that I was eating breakfast at night with my family in a Denny's style place at a Disney park in Valencia (which I took note of as odd) when the cops came and I was arrested. I had to drive my car which apparently I had stolen, with the teens in the car who I had stolen the car *from*... (even though the car was in a junkyard...confused yet?) we all met, including the cops and/or a prosecutor...and Jordan's dad was helping represent me apparently...anyway we all met in a batting cage or barbed-wire covered dome of sorts. And it was a cross between a therapy session and a trial in which this prosecutor was really trying to destroy my ass. I woke up and for a second there I felt horrible because I knew I'd be convicted and sent to jail...then I realized it was a dream (funny how that happens) and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I listened to Death Cab for Cutie in the first time in months yesterday and it was great. Word of advice: don't listen to artists for extended periods of time, and you shall find your enjoyment in their work rejuvinated when you finally return. Tonight I was listening to Phil Collins and I remembered that he has called it quits in the touring biz. Too bad...judging from his live album, seeing him live would probably battle Green Day for the top spot.
Okay, that's all. Bye.
Awesome quote, btw, that I stole from Stephanie's away message.