Oct 21, 2005 03:19
So I'm writing this drunk; forgive the misspelling etc. Fucking first-years. They're so annoying sometimes. Like tonight, they just don't know what their limit is. It's only like 3am and they're all passing out drunk and shit. Tonight I had to practically carry Laura and Collin home. Plus alcohol too. I broke one of my beers for that shit. Bullshit. Fucking drunks tried to hit on her on the way back. Bullshit. I don't stand for that fucking shit, and I told them off. Goddam shady fucks. A) fuck Collin, hitting on Laura the whole fucking night. He's a cool guy but wtf, have a little modesty. B) fuck drunk people that can't function cuz they should be left to fend for themselves. Too bad I care for one of them. I know I get ridiculously drunk sometimes, but I manange. Wake up the next morning, learn something, move on. Fuck this high school mentality bullshit. It's not about getting drunk; it's about having fun. Last year I thought the two were synomymous. This year I can't believe I used that word drunk. But it's all good and fun times are always to be had. That was just my rant towards those whom I've definitely been in their position before; and whom I'm pretty condescending towards now. Late.