Mar 14, 2009 18:00
So the American Economy has been in a dump Since October. A lot of people have lost their jobs. For those of us whom are a little younger, truthfully, we don't feel much of a blow. First of all, I don't have a fixed job to begin with, so I'm not that much better off than people whom are unemployed. Secondly, I'm used to being broke, so no biggie there either. I think the people whom are hit the hardest are the ones that have huge 401ks (I don't have one) or has all their money in stocks. Unfortunately, you win some, you lose some, right? Everything's a gamble.
Right now, I'm not so sure that a recession is a bad thing. Sure, I feel for the people that are losing their jobs, but on the flip side if there's a contraction and hopefully some deflation, that would rock. I would love to see the prices of things fall, especially homes and cars and all this other stuff.