Insanity, Day 61

Mar 18, 2011 19:46

My goal for today was to finish every workout. Today was Core Cardio and Balance, so the intensity was a little dialed down, but I was able to achieve most of my goal today.

My knees were still hurting, so I took it a little easy on the High Jump routine. With that one, I again just focused on doing the jumps at a slower pace and landing softly.

The one workout I couldn't finish was the Shoulder Burners in the PLIE position. I can do that routine for about a minute before the burn really starts to get to me and I have to drop. I get back into position as quickly as I can, but this is one workout where the burn really hurts.

Today was also my last Core Cardio and Balance day. I'm definitely going to miss this workout. It is a nice lower paced workout that can still your heart rate going.

The next two days are my last two full workout days. The last day of the program is the last Fit Test. As my final week edges closer to the end, I really feeling good about my conditioning. I'm almost thinking about doing another 60+ day Insanity cycle soon after this one ends, but that might be a little bit crazy.

61 days down, 3 more to go
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