Feb 12, 2010 01:19
Plotting goodyness with evilness D: Ok, sé que goodyness no existe, pero lo que sea. Plotting :3
Espero que marche. Mi plan es... increíblemente delicioso y bueno. Un instant win si se realiza. Oh, vaya que sí.
C'mon Toshi!!!!!!
I mean... c'mon universe! Don't be a whiny bitch and give me a hand, would you?
Please, please, please let this plan come true.
Y una canción:
If you're happy and you know it plot a plan
*ruido de hacer un plan*
If you're happy and you know it plot a plan
*ruido de hacer un plan*
If you're happy and you know it and you don't have a damn idea of a word that rhymes with the original rythm of this song
If you're happy and you know it... go with the fucking plan =D