
Mar 09, 2011 21:14

Assessment appointment: it was okay! The lady was nice and she booked me into some classes for anxiety and assured me that I won't have to get up and speak in front if everyone or anything like that. Also, I can bring a friend if I want which is nice. She also said they have people there to help with employment (this is my big huge main worry) and that she thinks I'm in the right place. It was a lot less scary than I thought it would be.

Money: I have none. Selling stuff on eBay all the time but then I see nice things and rare things that I've wanted for ages and I can't resist so then I'm back to no money again. Lol. I suck. :B sooo... I'm going to be making lots of stuff to sell - I've bought some kitschy frames, one of my mum's friends gave us 2 big packs of blank keyrings, got my badge maker, new snazzy laser printer, sticker paper, canvases... loads of junk. So if you have any good ideas... XD

I'm still working through piles of sketches so you can expect to see more art soon. Mostly of pwnies. :p

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