• My mum was taken in to hospital so for the past week my life has been: go to hospital, come back from hospital, do washing, make food, sleep, repeat. My brothers are more of a hindrance than a help. I am exhausted. Sorry if I don't reply to comments.
• Closer than ever to quitting college. Mel is a giant bitch and doesn't understand why I might not feel like (or even have the fucking time for) doing college work at the moment. She also decided to give David a hard time for, you know, supporting me. I may have to quit college just for the reason that if I see her, I'll want to punch her.
• Haven't played much of SoulSilver. I do have lots of steps on my pokewalker though and Phione loves me and keeps getting presents for me. :p
• Thank you,
fastolf for my easter package! ♥ ♥ ♥ You sent it to my old address but it got redirected anyway so it's all good. XD The malteser bunny things are sooooo gooooood, I wish they sold them all year round (um yeah I started eating stuff already). And the Stig egg cup is awesome, I hope it wasn't too much of a ripoff. D: I sent you a box too but I only managed to get to the post office yesterday so I guess it'll be more likely to arrive next week now. Sorry. ;_;