I just watched Virgin Snow, earlier today anyways, AND IT WAS LOVELY.
why did i watch it? i caught up on life *___* and i was bored,
including lj, anime, everything.. omg, so in search of something to watch,
i came upon it, and so i watched, and i loveddddd <3
after that, i found 'dont laugh at my romance' with L from death note<3 love that guy.
but while i was waiting for it to download i came across 'mei-chan no shitsuji'
and i was like HIROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, because i lovers him.
next thing i know i see sato takeru, and i was freaking the whole time
thinking.. who is this guy from, kinda like that lol.. thinking he was a singer
or my other friend was into him, then he did this pose in the ep and *LIGHT BULB*
citzera hehe i remember now, he's yours~ cara (gomen the little dot above)
yeh, so the movie will be on pause while i flail at this drama *__*
hehe and it has Mayama Akihiro he's a cutey too....~~~
anyways if you havent seen it,. i'm just finishing the first ep~ i recommend it, lol
watch it now before the ending disappoints me XDDDD.
on to ep 2~