[Fic] Just An Ordinary Day: Drabble #26

Jul 29, 2008 23:14

Title: Just An Ordinary Day
Main Pairing: SasuNaru
Rating: PG
Summary: Sugar highs, puppies and lovers' tiffs... It's just another ordinary day for Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. A series of drabbles on their relationship with each other and the people around them.

Drabble Title: Rich
Genre: Romance/General
Summary: You don't know how hard it was...

“Sasuke…how rich are you?”

Sasuke glanced up at Naruto, then returned his attention to his book.

“Rich enough to buy you ramen everyday,” he replied.

Naruto pouted. He caught hold of the Uchiha’s sleeve and yanked, earning himself a glare from his lover.

“Are you rich enough to give me a hundred bucks?”

Elegant eyebrows shot up.

“Usuratonkachi, what in the world are you going to do with all that money?”

A blush spread across the smaller boy’s face. “Well…erm…” Then he turned defensive. “Look, bastard, either you’ll give me the money or you won’t! Stop being a Nosey Parker!”

Sasuke’s eyes darkened in displeasure. For one moment, Naruto looked almost sorry he had said what he had said, but the next he was wearing a scowl to match Sasuke’s.


Naruto turned to leave, but Sasuke’s voice hailed him just when he was reaching for the doorknob.


The blonde turned and a wad of bills was pressed into his hand. He searched his lover’s depthless eyes but could not find even one trace of emotion.

“Do whatever you want with it.”

And then Sasuke was gone.

- - -

“So basically you’ve quarreled with Naruto? Again?”

Sasuke’s scowl deepened. He drained his sake and poured himself another cup. Neji shook his head at his fellow Anbu member.

“The both of you seriously need to grow up.”

The Uchiha sent him a dirty look (which he ignored). “Not everyone has a compliant wife like Hinata,” the younger boy muttered. “I swear your relationship is perfect. No fights, no quarrels…”

Neji smiled.

“Sasuke, what is perfect for us might not be perfect for you. Tell me, can you imagine yourself and Naruto in the kind of relationship Hinata and I have? As you said: no fights, no quarrels?”

Sasuke sighed. “No. Not when he’s who he is and I’m who I am.”

“Sasuke-kun, Neji-kun.”

The two dark haired geniuses turned in unison at the familiar voice of their academy teacher. Umino Iruka smiled at his two former students.

“You do know that it’s a little weird finding the both of you in Ichiraku instead of Naruto, right?” the Chuunin teased.

Neji chuckled and Sasuke managed a half smile.

“I saw you in here and I just had to stop to thank you for what you’ve done, Sasuke-kun.” Iruka beamed.

Neji raised an eyebrow at Sasuke. Sasuke blinked at Iruka.

“What?” the Uchiha asked, bewildered.

“Naruto came by the academy just now, to help with the kids and to give me the money. Thank you, Sasuke-kun. It would mean so much to the orphans in the academy to have some new clothes and shoes. The public funds barely cover their daily expenses.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened.

“Are we talking about the hundred dollars?”

“Of course!” Iruka nodded happily. “It was generous of you!”

Sasuke stood up abruptly, startling his former teacher.

“Where’s he now?” he demanded.

It was Iruka’s turn to be bewildered. “Naruto? He went home after his visit,” Iruka replied.

Sasuke nodded and left, leaving behind a confused Iruka and a smiling Neji.

- - -

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Naruto jumped a mile at his lover’s breathless voice. He turned to face the taller boy, pushing his scrolls aside.

“Tell you what?” Naruto asked distractedly. He moved to wipe the sweat off Sasuke’s brow. “Geez, bastard, you look like you’ve just finished a hundred meter sprint.”


They stared at each other for a moment that seemed like an eternity. The next, Sasuke’s kisses were raining down hotly onto his lover’s lips, his jaw line, his neck… Naruto’s arms wound up around Sasuke’s neck, as if hanging on for life. Sasuke paused to peer down at the shorter blonde.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For that silly quarrel we had yesterday. Iruka-sensei told me.”

“Oh.” Naruto blushed, embarrassed.

“Why didn’t you tell me when I asked?”

Naruto laughed sheepishly.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t approve.”

“Moron.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. He stroked Naruto’s whiskered cheek gently. “I was once like them too, you know. An orphan with no one to take care of me.”

“Yeah right. You were a rich orphan. I was once like them. You don’t know how hard it was…”

“No,” Sasuke agreed, “I don’t. But I’m going to try help them in any way I can from now on.”

Naruto smiled and answered him by tiptoeing to resume them kiss.


naruto, sasuxnaru, fic, just an ordinary day

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