JunDa: Will U Be Mine?

Jul 10, 2008 21:50

Title: Will U Be Mine?
Author: Myself. :D
Pairing: JunDa
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor/Romance
Summary: Junno tries to court Ueda the Junno way! :D How? Using dajare ofcourse! :D
Note: For ravynashling since I know she loves JunDa as much as how I love RyoDa! 8D and for whoompah. Uhm, yeah. I'm that corny. 8D (Well just read and you'd understand why I said that 8DDD)

Junnosuke Taguchi always had a thing for a certain bandmate, Ueda Tatsuya. Of course, courting someone you like isn't as easy as saying it. First, you have to consider what s/he likes.

Tatsuya likes smart people.

Of course, when you're smart, you know a lot of languages. Junno decided to learn a great line in Filipino/Tagalog, since he's Junno, he'd absolutely sneak dajare in! ABSOLUTELY.

Besides, it's sweeter that way, thought he.

Junno sat in front of his computer screen and searched for lines. With a smile, he found one and wrote it on a piece of paper without signing his name.

Perfect! So that Uepi would really think who I am! he gave the paper a small chuu~ ♥

The next morning, Tatsuya went to his dressing room table and found a note stuck on the mirror.

"Di tayo tao, di tayo hayop... BAGAY tayo!" 1

Uhm, what? Tatsuya clearly did not understand Filipino. He quickly took the paper and went to Nakamaru, since Nakamaru goes to college, so he must know!

"Maru, do you have any idea what this means?" said he with an almighty ohnoes face.

Nakamaru grabbed hold of the paper Tatsuya handed him and read the statement.

"Isn't this Spannish?"

Tatsuya just shrugged and kept the paper on his drawer, perhaps when someday he'd find out who the hell gave that to him. Maybe someone hates him, or wants to kill his guts. Well at least there's still boxing.

1. Literally translates to: "We're not humans, we're not animals... We're ITEMS!"
Can be translated as: "We're not humans, we're not animals... we're a MATCH!"

Okay, so Junno's first plan backfired. Of course Uepi wouldn't understand such a foreign language!

Be straight to the point.

"Uepi!" Junno called Ueda backstage during their concert. Since he was called, Tatsuya came to him with that oh-so innocent curious face of his.

Junno held both of his hands and made sure no one from their band were listening. He took a deep breath and smiled. He had to say it honestly with style.

"Are you a keyboard?"

"No, why?" appalled, he replied.

"Because you're just my TYPE!"

"Uhm, thanks, I guess." he blinked slowly.

Definetely, this was the start of the courtship and constant going out.

Everything was doing well, so far so good. The next thing he should do now is to confirm. Shall he call Tatsuya his boyfriend now? Or maybe Tatsuya already had someone else and was just kind enough to spend time with Junno?

Make things clear.

Junno thought quite hard on this. We're talking about his relationship with Tatsuya! He has to make sure that there's no third party. Junno gripped his controller and defeated Jin with Kazuya. No, He doesn't think of Bakanishi and Kame!

TEKKEN, TEKKEN... got it. He grinned once more and arranged a meeting with Tatsuya on the rooftop.

Tatsuya rushed to the rooftop, with 2 bentos in hand. One for himself and the other for Junno. Sure he's been having feelings for Junno ever since. Tatsuya smiled to himself while clutching the bento he stayed up all night for.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Tatsuya saw Junno sitting on a bench. Since it's been announced by the government that the top of buildings should have a garden to prevent flooding and global warming, Johnny Kitagawa decided to make it a mini-park. He went up to Junno and sat next to him wearing a smile on his face as he handed Junno his bento.

"Here, I made it for you," he said, blushing.

"Thank you!" Junno gladly accepted the bento. He feels so touched that Tatsuya made him a bento. He didn't expect that. He noticed the slight bags under his eyes. It made him want to hug the adorable innocent-like princess in front of him and declare his undying love. But wait, let's save that for later.

They both ate the bento in an almost silence except for when Junno will say how delicious it is and Tatsuya's faint thank you.

At last, when both of them were finished, Junno looked Tatsuya in the eye and asked him.

"Are you a PlayStation Game?"

"uhm... ??"

"Because I hope you're not TEKKEN!" Junno grinned while blushing.

Tatsuya realized what Junno meant and blushes equally. Slowly he shook his head, "I'm not yet, why'd you ask?"

He got a negative answer! That's great isn't it. Junno felt giddy and happy.

"Because I seem to have forgotten your name." Junno held Tatsuya's chin and looked him in the eye once more, "So, can I call you mine?" He leaned in a kissed Tatsuya.

Tatsuya replied with a kiss as an acceptance to Junno. They were now officially couples.

Now to stay as couples, they must have dates. But being the Super Idols that they are, they'd barely have the time. Now with the announcement of Tatsuya's solo concert, rehearsals have started.

Couples must have constant dates or times dedicated just for each other.

Junno and Tatsuya don't meet each other everyday anymore.

As the one who wears the pants in the relationship, Junno is semi-responsible for the arrangement of dates and the like.

He took out his cellphone and mailed Tatsuya.

Junno: I have a heart ailment. ;_;
Tatsuya: EH? Really? Oh no! DD:!
Junno: Yeap, I only have two options...
Tatsuya: I'd do anything to help! ;A;
Junno: Either ICU or U C me. :D
Tatsuya: =_=" ... okay.

Dates are held in places that will surely assure you that you'd have fun. Junno arranged a date at DisneyLand! With Tatsuya by his side, both of them rode and screamed at the scariest rides with the most thrill. When it was time for lunch, they decided to just eat at a random fastfood. To save time.

Spend every moment possible with each other.

It wouldn't be fair if it were just Junno who lined up to buy their food. They decided to buy food and choose a table together.

The line was long. Tatsuya being the usual calm and collected person that he is, concentrated on just the line. Junno scanned the whole restaurant. Being a gamer, it's instinct! Scan wherever, you'd never know when you'd need a safe and planned escape route. He kept scanning the restaurant until his eyes landed on a sign.

"Uepi, I'd go first." he said pulling Tatsuya close to him

"EH? WHY?" Tatsuya got shocked.

"Because..." Junno then pointed to a sign:

Don't leave your valuables unattended.

To Tatsuya, Junno is probably the sweetest corniest person on the face of the earth. But he still loves Junno, no matter what. And surely Junno feels the same.

Accept him for who he is.

Today is the first time Tatsuya would sleepover at Junno's place. He'd sleep beside Junno tonight.

Tatsuya rested his head on Junno's chest and whispered.

"Junno, If I'm gone would you miss me?"

He felt Junno's breathing slow down a little. Junno wrapped his arms around Tatsuya and kissed his forehead.

"I won't waste time, I'd search for you!" He smiled.

Tatsuya then realized how much he'd never change Junno with another personality. Because Junno not being corny is simply not Junno at all.

And he loves Junno for that. He's definetely someone Junno could call "mine".

I've been playing with "U" ever since. D: I soo believe Make U Wet is for Ueda. 8D Oh Koki you sneaky sneaky sneaaaky sleazy guy 8D. hahaha. Don't U Ever Stop is for Ueda too. LOL. I may just be too crazy. :D Haha, The title of this fic is a Dajare too! 8D

I hope you liked it! :D The corny pick-up lines have been revolving around my head for quite a while now. So hey, why don't I write JunDa with it? 8D

fan: fic, ♥ junda

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