♣ pinkame: Pet Store

May 30, 2008 18:02

TITLE: Pet Store [one-shot]
PAIRING: Pinkame. One-sided Akame
GENRE: ?? D: sorry. Angst?
SUMMARY: Jin had always wanted a dog. He dragged Kame to buy a dog with him. This story revolves around Kame.


Jin noticed Ran when he visited Kame the other day. Ran was just the cutest dog ever. Jin played with Ran so much that he wanted a dog of his own. Apparently, he convinced Kame to accompany him to the pet stores, much to his joy. And that's what brought us to this certain sunny day, Kame and Jin walked beside together, window shopping for puppies.

They walked together pausing whenever Kame pointed at a cute dog, Jin didn't really pay much attention to the dogs Kame tried to recommend. Either because they weren't playful and were too sleepy to respond to him.

Kame and Jin went from one store to the other, until Jin heard a Bark. Jin being Jin didn't even notice himself stopping and staring at this cute poodle barking at him while wagging her tail. Kame, who continued to walk forward, sensed Jin's absence. He went back to where Jin was. Jin continued to stare childishly at the poodle who is now chasing her own tail.

"She's cute," said Kame, smiling.

"I want it!" Jin said while nodding, "Let's go in, ne?"

Kame felt himself getting dragged in by Jin. Upon reaching the inside of the pet store, Jin asked for the poodle. The vendor told him that it was 3 months old and it has received its shots already. It was perfectly healthy. Kame watched Jin carry the poodle happily, Jin giggled everytime the poodle licked his nose.

"Kame!! Look look~ she's so cute!" Jin said as he went closer to Kame to make him see the dog. Kame petted her and allowed the dog to lick his nose too.

"What will you name her?"

Jin smiled at Kame's question and beamed.

"I want to combine a friend's name and my name together! It'll be her name!" Jin proclaimed while petting the dog, "It's like combining X and Y!!"

Kame just smiled at Jin upon hearing his most used "X and Y" phrase. They both paused for a moment. Jin intently thinking of a name and Kame processing what Jin said.

"So you mean you'd name her Ak---"

"PIN!" Jin suddenly said, "I'd name her Pin! Mine and Pi's name together! IT'S PERFECT!" He lifted the dog up and started calling her Pin.

"Oh, I see." Kame forced smiled at Jin. You're always thinking of Pi, huh?

Jin smiled at the dog, then at Kame. "So, what do you think?"

"It's," Kame paused. "It's great." If only it were ours.

Jin's smile grew wider. "Ne, let's go!" He tugged on Kame's wrist. Kame let his fingers slowly slip through Jin's.

If this was the last time he's ever going to be with him, he'd never want to let go. Ever.


Sorry if it's short. D: uhm, yeah. :D hahaha. @___@ tashycute helped me~ with this fic :D

fan: fic, ♣ pinkame

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