i'm doing here what i need to.
to let it here have something else, a random file here XD
i have 3 others to post in the next 3 days, if nothing goes wrong.
i am doing a few things to keep the files alive and to don't lose my account.
i hope u guys will follow what i ask and help me don't lose ALL my links.
R E M E M B E R-----> 1 thing!
1- to see the file size, click on the picture XD
Name:[HD]5N5D - H3y M1ck3y! (2oo7.12.3o)(uchihacarol@LJ).mp4
File size: 231mb
Resolution: 1980x1080
http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=DaEX1scp Ja ne~!