lo all!

Dec 11, 2006 10:10

so my interwub is temporarily workin again, woo!
ty for all who responded to my last post, i was unable to get back online to say when i got a ride tho! (ty bobby!)

my trip to LI was TOTALLY SWEET and i had an absolute rockin time. also, my grandma loved her party.

I am TOTAlly moving back to LI in february. this is decided.

Also, nextwave is the special kind of awesome.

and am downloading the wow patch as we speak. I cannot resist the pull of moonkin form. Shall spoil self and maintain COH account as well til we find a new mmo that costs nothing. shall look into guildwars.

btw, I finally attended monkeyhead with Derek. There is much wth the gamer stink, but twas good, as he kicked some arse in magic tourney, and we met some cool magic players at the end. I spent part of the time being distracted by the D&D game going on at the table next to us, which made me desire two things. 1) one of those write on maps like Adam has and 2) To be in a tabletop game. NOW. Am thinking of approaching Dylan (geek guy who i work with & had lovely conversation about the fact that we have 5 copies of "the furry anthology" with) if he plays pen&paper. there's actually quite a few geek types there who may play or may be interested... hmmm... this calls for a ZOMBIE GURPS campaign! the stripmall may be harder to secure than stonybrook though... damn zombies.

so ya, work today! i should rebug the manager about getting cashier hours again.
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