New project for Uchi!

Mar 28, 2010 04:12

Just read the news over at crazy_accel (posted by lovely enshinge) that Uchi (and A.B.C-Z) will hold new stageshows this May!

< 2010年3月28日 5:00 >

女優・森光子(89)の主演舞台「放浪記」の中止に伴い、ジャニーズ事務所のタレントが、東京・日比 谷のシアタークリエで穴埋め公演を行う。ジャニー喜多川社長が「興行の灯をともし続けることの大切さ」に思いをいたし、急きょ提案したという。5月1~9 日はジャニーズJr.内博貴(23)企画・構成の「オレの内(ウチ)に来てクリエ!~Come on a my House!~」が、5月14~30日はアイドルグループ「A.B.C-Z」プロデュースの「みんなクリエに来てクリエ!」が開催される。内は同所の公演 「ガイズ&ドールズ」から1日も休まずステージに上がる。森は「内さんと、公演を作られる皆さんへ、心よりの拍手を…そして、厚く御礼を申し上げます」と コメント。

Uchi Hiroki & A.B.C-Z to hold shows in stead of "Hourouki" ... Thanked by Mori Mitsuko as well
< 2010, March 28, 5:00 >

With the cancellation of "Hourouki," the stageshow led by actress, Mori Mitsuko (89), Johnny's jimusho talents will be holding shows in her stead at Theater CREATION in Hibiya, Tokyo. Company head Johnny Kitagawa proposed the concept mentioning "the importance of keeping the light of entertainment lit. "Ore no Uchi ni Kite kurie! ~Come on a my House!~," planned and organized by the Johnny's Jr. Uchi Hiroki (23) will be performed from May 1st to May 9th, and "Minna Crea ni Kite kurie!" [t/n, "Everyone come to Crea for us!" Crea = Theater CREATION] produced by the idol group A.B.C-Z will be performed from May 14th to May 30th. Uchi will continue without rest from his "Guys & Dolls" shows taking place in the same theater. Mori commented "To Uchi-san and everyone making the show, an applause from my heart... and a deep thanks."

Translated by: enshinge
Original post: HERE

ETA: The news is up on Johnny's web now! As can be seen HERE. Here's a screencap. Apparently Uchi will perform in the butai together with Question?

Thanks again, enshinge. ♥

Okay now let me spazz properly you guise. XD al;dskal;sda;sda THIS IS SUCH AN AWESOME NEWS! lol @ the title, though. XD

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