Hello! ^^ I posted this on
news_jpop awhile ago, but forgot that I had never shared it here, either. XD;;
neoehge was one day checking out Uchi Hiroki's IMDB page and a couple of his Wikis when she noticed that he had actually done a voice acting role for one of the One Piece movies, The Curse of the Sacred/Holy Sword. (It's the fifth movie, for any One Piece fans. XD;) Anyway! After some searching, I was able to find the torrent for her, since she's a huge Uchi fan. I was able to download it and, after several failed attempts at uploading, finally managed to upload the movie to share with other people.
I hope that you enjoy it! :D
Movie Info. (Anime News Network)
YouTube clip (subbed in Spanish) with Hiroki's character. He comes in around 2:46-ish.
Screencap of Touma! (...observe the giant sparkly eyed happy face on his hat. XD)
- movie info: 1.25 GB, subbed in English
Part 001Part 002Part 003Part 004Part 005Part 006Part 007Part 008Part 009Part 010Part 011Part 012Part 013 Feel free to share the links (they won't die, since I have a premium account), but please give me credit for the original upload! ♥