Jun 09, 2004 16:58
the last bell i will ever hear from killian rang at 12 noon yesterday. what a mix of emotions i felt leaving my anatomy class. all of these things we have taken advantage of the past four years have finally ended. no more passes to the restroom, no more visits to my favorite teachers, no more gossip at our lunch tables, and no more hanging out in the middle of our halls talking about our plans for later. our time at killian has finally extended its dues and now its on to bigger and better things. this also means some of the people ive grown to love the past 12 years of my life will also be leaving me and i still cant come to terms with that. it hasnt hit me yet that yesterday was the last day of high school.
after school was crazy though. it was as if our parking lot had turned into a war zone. if you looked up people were throwing water balloons, shaving cream, spoiled milk, and all of the other disasterous things you can think of. i got virtually everyone of those things on me by the end of our brigade and i cant say ive never had more fun in my life. i wanted to kill kendrick, hoever, when he poured milk all over me. i for that ruined the paint job on his car and threw an empty can of barbasol shaving cream extra hard at his car. dont mess with me. after the mini-war, i headed home and showered. my hair still smells like shaving cream! we ended up going to fridays in the falls for our graduation celebration 2004 lol. after that we went to joanelles house and talked about how everything would now be different. we spoke about embarrassing things that had happened to us the past four years at our little school named killian. im truely going to miss that school and all the memories made in it.
i have graduation tonight. i'm definetely putting on the waterproof mascara tonight. definetly alot of pictures and definetly alot of tears. theres about 600 something of us graduating tonight. its funny to think a majority have had an impact in my life. things are changing and its now just the beginning of a new book. i hope the first few chapters have a sign of growing.
congratulations to the class of 2004! we did it!
-lauren elizabeth