Have a sucessful vegetable garden defined by a bountiful harvest.
Today I have planted corn, green beans, broccoli, bell peppers, yellow squash, and tomato seeds. Most should have sprouted within the next two weeks, and should yeild their first harvest within two months.
By the end of the summer, to have saved 3,000 dollars, working 3 jobs.
Become Healthier.
Improve my diet, by exploring and educating myself reguarding organic foods, eating fruits, vegetables, lean meats, & whole wheats and grains. Drinking more water & teas.
Work out & exercise reguarly.
Be in God's Word Daily. Its a habbit I have neglected. I also want to challenge my faith and reliance on God daily. I pray that I become stronger and more knowledgable through my relationship with God this summer.
Thoroughly enjoy my time with my family in Oklahoma & Colorado.