(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 14:38

Pick 20 random people that you know personally (i.e. have actually met in person). Type them out first BEFORE reading any of the questions, then answer the questions accordingly.

1. craig
2. shep
3. christina
4. eli
5. amanda t
6. luke
7. benjamin
8. samantha p
9. katie g
10. cj
11. jana
12. kelly
13. matt west
14. christie
15. lauren
16. tyler
17. courtney
18. sam t
19. jessica
20. giselle

What would you do if you had never met No. 5?
omg. i have no idea. bc she has helped me thru so many boy problems that its not even funny. i would probably not be here if it wasnt for her, only bc i dont listen to her in the beginning..

What do you honestly think of No. 10?
hahahahahah. well i have a crush on him. i think that hes very cute, and funny. but he knows exactly what to do to get on my nerves. especially at work, he also knows what to say to me to get exactly what he wants. but i would never date him bc i only have a crush on him and bc i would never date anyone i work with. so theres that.

Would or did No. 19 and No. 8 go out?
they are both girls.. no.

Did you ever like number 3?
i love her, she is gonna be the best mom EVER!!! and im not just saying that bc shes a friend, she is.

If No. 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know?
that ever since i met him, ive been in love with him. and i always will be in love with him, but im too stupid to try and make things work with us. "timing is everything" and the timing for us has been fucked. im too afraid to love anyone bc of him, but maybe in a way thats bc i dont think i could ever love anyone as much as i love him. and im sorry for being a bitch and pushing him away from me, but im too scared too be hurt again.

Would No. 2 and No. 11 make a good couple?
no. no girl should be put thru what i went thru with shep, plus shep isnt jana type---- at all. :-D

Describe No. 7 in 3 words:
ben: always on tour. (there ya go)

Do you think No. 12 is hot?
yes kelly is super hot. when we work together all the boys stare at her!

Would No. 1 and No. 17 make a lovely couple?
well if courtney wasnt all about her bf maybe. although craig is a million miles away and has never seen her.

What do you think of when you see No. 8?
baseball games and lunches on the senior patio

Tell me something humiliating about No. 11?
i dont know anything. other than shes really funny drunk! i love her.

Do you know any of No. 6's family members?
Yes, ive known luke for a while, his dad always comes to talk to me when he sees me in publix. ive met them all, if they remember is a different story.

What's No. 20's favorite color?
the rainbow. she loves them all, need proof? look at her journal!

On a scale of 1-10 how cute is No. 14?
christie= 15! hot hot hot

What would you do if No. 4 just professed their undying love for you?
she already has, whats new! and i love her more and more each day too.

What language does No. 19 speak?
english.. what language do you speak?

Who is No. 16 going out with?
tyler is going out with his hand... haha. jk. no one, hes doing his own thing.

Is No. 9 Someone you would sleep with?
of course. since 2nd grade.. duh. :-D my best friend EVER!!!

Would No. 18 and No. 4 make a good couple?
umm if they were into girls sure. or maybe if they lived in the same country.

When was the last time you talked to No. 12?
i talked to her this morning when i went to applebees to bring her a bagel. yummmy!

What is No. 3 favorite band?
old 97s... she totally got me into them too. thank you my milf.

Does No. 2 have any siblings?
yes an older sister a younger sister and then a couple step siblings but we wont talk about that.

Would you ever date No. 6?
hahahha. tried that. i love him but he has an amazing girlfriend and hes so happy with her and that makes me happy.

Is No. 7 single?
yes he is.

What is No. 20's last name?
bido. :-D

What is No. 10's middle name?
umm it begins with a J (christopher j wilson... ) i should know this i think its james but ill get back to you.

Where does no. 9 live?
well lets see you open my bedroom door and look straight and thats her door. shes a great rooooomie.

Would you make out with No. 15?
hahah. been there done that. shes a good kisser.

Are No. 5 and No. 6 best friends?
nope. they dont really like each other. for reasons that will not be explained here.

Does No. 7 like No. 20?
they have never met so i have no idea.

Is No. 13 older than you?
yes he is. i used to consider him like my older brother but he wont answer my phone calls anymore so who knows.

Is No. 17 the sexiest person alive?
shes very pretty but no one can beat britney spears or angelina jolie.
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