Theres always a silver lining

May 20, 2004 04:12

I say this subject because Sunday at work was quite eventful for me. Some would say that it was a horrible day but I am looking at it as the best thing that could possibly happen. At Margaritaville, a "secret shopper" comes in every week and rates our service. The managers take these things very seriously even though the score reflects one transaction. I think its a horrible way to measure an employee or a department.

I got a horrible shop. Actually, I set a record by getting the lowest score for retail in the history of that store. (5 years and they do these reports every week) My boss was pissed and with all the other things I do wrong like show up late or my sarcasm, he reemed me out and let me know, in writing, that my job is in jeopardy. If this happens again I'll be suspended and possibly fired. He even went as far as to inform me that he would accept my voluntary resignation rather than being fired so that I could come back to another part of Universal.

At that moment, I wanted to just transfer out of the dept but there are 2 problems. I can't transfer right after such a bad shop because I don't think any dept would want me right away. Most importantly, I don't have 7 attendance credits and you must have that minimum to transfer anywhere. So, I told my manager that once I get to 7, I'll transfer out. So now my goal is to stay out of trouble until sept 8. Thats when I'll have 7 credits and I can transfer. This is good because all other departments get more money than us and work the same if not less hours. Hopefully I'll be able to transfer to serving since I would have been with the company for 7 1/2 months but if they require experience even for already current team members, I'll just be a busser. Still better money than retail and a much more fun job.

So I walked out of that meeting feeling really good about the situation. I've always been proud of myself for being able to brush things off and find the positive in it. God-willing, I can keep myself out of trouble for just 3 1/2 months and then I'll be making damn good money.

Other than that, I worked a 6 day week this week, so overtime will be nice. I need to better manage my time because I need to keep up with the readings for my summer class. btw, that class, intro to ed, is awesome. We watch a movie and then apply it to the material we are covering.

Finally, I've switched from Elementary Education to English Language Arts Education. I want to teach either Middle or High School so I had to pick a track and English would allow me to show the world of theatre to students. I'm excited about this major. I haven't been excited about classes in a long time but now that I'm taking classes within my major, I'm really getting into this.

Oh and Sachs and I are co-chairing Rush for the Fall...I think we'll do really well with it. I'm gonna have a real full load but its gonna be so great when its over and I will have accomplished so much that I want to do while in college.

Love yourself before you can love others....
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