Aug 29, 2005 01:28
Well like any good epic there had to be a long gap in the chronology so historians can someday ask the question "What the hell hapened in this stretch of time?" For those of you who dont know my experience in Orlando was a brief one and I am now back in good ol' Jacksonville, FL. I'm at UNF now with a new major, Journalism, and living in an apartment with my brother and Kyle Walker Texas Ranger. I must say switching to Journalism was the best thing I've ever done (even better than being the 10th grade chemistry class paper football champion) because the girl to guy ratio in my classes is like 4:1. I dont think I can use the excuse "I'm never around any single girls" as to why I'm single anymore, gotta find a new one. Thats really about all for now, I'll do something exciting this week. Ben Owens signing out.