Jan 22, 2009 17:12

Well, as some of you know, I have been going to USF for a while and this spring, they figured I could have a BS in Hospitality Management. It has been a long time coming. I have been getting different tasks accomplished (ie purchasing regalia, filing for graduation, etc.) each week so I can get my diploma. As each task gets finished, I get more excited. I never thought I would go to college. It has been very difficult for me and I finally learned how to spell restaurant without mixing up the letters. giggles. That in itself is a requirement. more giggles. I never thought I could take so many management and accounting classes and live to tell the tale.

There have been late nights and early mornings. There have been tears and tension headaches.

It has all been worth it.

I will be walking across the stage on May 3rd, 2009.

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