Jul 19, 2007 01:38
im tired, so very tired...
my last day off was bfd 2007 which wa slike what early june late may i dont remeber but anywho m hangin in there as best as i can but as the days go on i justgetused to it all.
current event statments
- i got my first phone number at the bar on friday, i really didnt know what i was doing so i looked at th napkin with the # and walked away to get a pen and she got mad and took it back then i wrote mine down and threw it at her shiriken style, then got the # again ...... i accidently threw it out when i left work
- new tattoo! i got that frog i been meaning to get for while now. it came out way better than i thought and the fact that when i shake my arm and make it talk is pretty entertaining as well.
- possible 900$ i have to pay to fix the hoe wagon udder crap
- i got a g/f last month but it got demoted to casual a few weeks later becuase of schedualing difficulties, now the scheduals are even worse :/
-minipop on monday! :D
- Daft punk next week :)
-Berlequex house last week :)
- drunk ass hanging out which the vanlieus last tues :)
-horrible sleeping schedual >:C
- i got ultraman on dvd, i forgot how much i love this garbage.
- i (C E N S O R E D) and thats that
- oh and my japan trip which i was looking foward to all year is NOT happening WHAP WHAP