(no subject)

Jan 28, 2005 00:10

well, things are winding down soon i hope. Ive still been somewhat busy, i woke up at 6 this morning to type a paper to have to class at 9, after my 11:00 class i had to type a cover letter so my co-op manager could go over it during our meeting to revise my resume. it was 2 pages long, and now its down to a page and a half. and my cover letter should be pretty sweet. i still have some thermo to do. i was so tired i took a nap at 330 and slept till 630. then i went to the apartments and cooked some of my grandma's meatballs that she froze and I brought here. I really needed a break so i played poker with chad, squints, and josh. I ended up doing pretty well, it was a 5 dollar buy in. I lost all my chips so i bought a bucks worth from josh. i ended up being the chip leader within a few minutes adn josh adn squints were out. i lost almost all of my chips on a really stupid bet wehre i didnt have anything and chad faked me out. so i ended up just loosing a dollar because the second place person gets their 5 bucks back. there is a girl i should really call, i sortof feel like an ass for not doing it. most fo its just out of laziness and being so busy, tonight was the first real free night ive had all week. plus im goign to germany for 6 months in april so i dont really know if i should bother. we'll see. my art show is tomorrow, i cant wait. i need to take some pictures and write a story to get in teh first issue of the technician. fun times. i also have to make like 3 more flyers and a bulletin board with all the clubs in the school. not to mention my engineering materials test on monday and the project i have due. neato. Here is a visual depiction of how my term has been going:
last 3 weeks:

this weekend hopefully:

fun times. i hope you all enjoyed that. back to work.
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