ive been busy as shit for the past 2 days. I'm the public relations rep for operations council and diversity council so i had to make up a ton of flyers for diversity week and random op council shit, not to mention my own art show going on. i still have to make up a couple giant banners to hang in the great court. i had a whole week's worth of differential equations homework i had to do for today. i have a comm301 project due tomorrow but thats all done, i still ahve to do my marketing project. and other random crap. i have been taking some breaks for guitar and actually writing riffs and stuff. im going to record a bunch of them on my comp and cut and paste them around into songs, cause i have no idea how to put a song together and the guitar parts are too complicated to really memorize. it takes me like 20 minutes to write each one so hopefully the songs will reflect teh time put into em. ive been listening to alot of hardcore and math rock lately for inspiration. my fucking eye has been twitching randomly for the past 2 days, i just want to stick a pen in there. my fraternity got in trouble for putting pictures of beer consumption on our school website so i had the idea of pasting bibles over all the beer, the results are pretty hilarious.
an RA just knocked on my door not knowing it was mine to tell me to turn the music down haha, whups. its later than i thought. i gotta get crackin on stuff.