Nov 30, 2006 00:27

Today was awesome! It snowed snowed snowed :) Okay it didn't snow all that much but it was enough to make me happy. :)

Before it snowed though, I had the most excellent company of some AACFers to make encouragement cards! :) Kevin was really funny and spelled "Merry" wrong (He wrote "Meerry" instead), and it was nice and intimate - me, Nathan, Eman, Kevin, Christy, Armi and Adam. (If you want a card, email me and let me know! :) (jennifer.mau [at]

Christy, Armi and Nathan making cards.

Then, it started snowing later, and so Dorothy and I decided to go out and play. Minda's roommates didn't want to go out so she joined us. Then we got Diane, Jon, and Stacy to join us. We had a snowball fight (girls vs. Jon of course!) and then we built a snowwoman in the parking lot across the street from my apartment.

Giant flakes!

The view from my apartment

Jon and Jon Jr.

Diane and Minda

Dorothy, Diane, Minda, and Jon

Jon Jr got squished, so here's Jon II

The ladies with Stacy Jr.

Stacy Jr. had a little too much fun tonight. :P

Stacy Jr. all alone in the parking lot. ::sniff:: I hope she'll be okay.

The cutest little snowman on the doorstep to my apartment. Awww.

For the picture set, you can click the link to my flickr above or click Here.

Oh, and when it started snowing someone set off fireworks on 7th - I know cuz I saw them! It was pretty funny.

<3 jen
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