
May 01, 2010 05:20

It's after 5am, but I had to write tonight. It's super-late and I should be in bed now, but I'm not. I have some stuff that I want to get out. And don't get me wrong, it's not an emo post. Far from it, in fact...

I want to talk about love. Now sure, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking to yourself, Mike, you always talk about dating and relationships and unrequited love. How is this post any different from your usual emo fare. Well, admittedly I have covered much of those topics over the years, but this post is different. It's coming from a different place. For the first time in my life I AM in love and I'm speaking from THAT perspective and I'm happy. I've met the girl of my dreams and I'm anxious to start the "rest of my life." In my mind, it couldn't possibly come sooner. \\

And I guess that the real substance that I hope to express from this post is what love has taught me. This entry isn't about all of the lovey-dovey stuff that love entails. I'm not going to talk about how your heart skips a beat when you're with someone or the longing or yearning that you feel when you're apart (although that's definitely part of love). But rather, I want to talk about real, mature love. What I've realized is that life is all about control and personal strength and a sense of self. But when you really love someone you end up giving more to make them happy. An example is when you're feeling insecure about something relating or pertaining to your significant other. In your own mind you think that you should trust your instincts and stick to what you believe in. But love tells you otherwise. Love tells you, I'm willing to give up that power or essentially go out of my way to make my significant other feel more secure. Even if it's not necessary. I love that person that much that I'm willing to do that for them. I'm willing to go against my own gut to make them happy.

Love is about more than just the warm and fuzzies. It's about the decisions that we make day in and day out to express to our loved ones how much we're willing to make things work. when I wasn't in love with other girls I was so fiercely protective of my freedom and my control over my own life and decisions and actions. But now that I'm in love I put her first. I put her before those decisions and actions and just live in that way. And don't get me wrong, we've had our share of challenges and hardships in our relationship, but we've become stronger through those experiences and to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.
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