Title: “Lullaby” Prologue
xxcabalinaxx Pairings: Erik/Logan
Rating: PG-13 for now, may increase at some point.
Summary: Written for a prompt on LJ’s xmen-firstkink. “Erik is an omega. Logan is his alpha. Go!”
Warnings (if applicable): Alpha/Omega dynamics, mpreg
Word Count: 896
A/N: Ok, for the sake of this story, we’re going to pretend that Erik and Charles never met Logan during the recruiting montage. And this starts after the movie. AU-No divorce! Also, this is my first X-Men fic and my first attempt to write something remotely like the Omega-verse, so if things aren’t exactly according to Omega canon, try to give me a little leeway and feel free to make suggestions on what I could do to make things better.
Click here for Prologue