Title: "Alone Again"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash, Drabble, X-Men First Class Universe
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 1 November, 2011
Challenge: For the FirstClass100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Professor Charles Francis "Professor X" Xavier, Erik "Magneto" Magnus Lehnsherr, all other characters mentioned within, and the X-Men are © & TM Marvel comics and Disney, neither of which are the author, and are used without permission. Everything else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
He was accustomed to being haunted by the dead, but he had never known the living could be so haunting until he'd walked away from Charles. He had not seen his beloved face to face since, and yet neither a day or night went by without Erik again hearing Charles' smooth, reassuring, and sensual voice. He could still feel him, but it was his words that haunted him the most.
"You are not alone, Erik," he had told him, and yet, as Erik lay alone in bed, hot tears coursing down his cheeks, he was alone. He was alone, because his beloved Charles was a fool. He clutched angrily at his blankets as everything metal in the house shook with his quiet and deadly fury.
Charles had promised him he'd never be alone, but then he'd made him be alone again. He'd chosen the idiotic, prejudiced, and utterly cruel humans over him, but there would come a day, Erik vowed, when he would make sure Charles realized the error of his ways. He would awaken to the reality of humanity. When he did, Erik would be there waiting, and at that time, finally, truthfully, he would never be alone again.
The End
Title: "Love Isn't Extinct"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash, Drabble, X-Men First Class Universe
Word Count: 100
Date Written: 5 November, 2011
Challenge: For the FirstClass100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Emma "White Queen" Frost, Professor Charles Francis "Professor X" Xavier, Erik "Magneto" Magnus Lehnsherr, all other characters mentioned within, and the X-Men are © & TM Marvel comics and Disney, neither of which are the author, and are used without permission. Everything else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Romance was dead. It was a fact Emma had known all her life. She pitied the fools who made asses of themselves over it and was pitying one such fool when Charles and Erik again showed up in her life. There was something radically different about them, and she was stunned to realize that difference hailed from the powerful emotions she sensed inside of them. Maybe romance wasn't entirely dead, after all, but merely endangered. She stared at them as they demanded answers, more in shock from her own discovery than anything they could do to her. Love still lived!
The End