Fic: Tabitha to the Rescue (X-men: Evo, Scott/Tabitha, PG-13)

Jul 13, 2009 09:05

Title: Tabitha to the Rescue
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Pairings: Cyclops/Boom Boom
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Future/AUish.
Summary: You know what they say... misery loves company.
Notes: Written for my 40 Days of Drabbles for the prompt Scott/Tabitha. Also written for 15pairings prompt misery loves company. This fic is dedicated to ologyist, who had written the first Tabott fic I read and because of her I became a fan and set out to write this pairing when an idea struck me.
[ ...Table... ]

( tabitha to the rescue........ )

cyclops/boom boom, +rated pg-13, .fanfiction, -universe: evolution

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