Let's start off the post by bringing you some happy news! :D
Today is the day of silence in which members of the GLBT and supporters protest against anti-gay bullying in schools by taking avow of silence for the day so take pride in yourself or your gay loved ones by staying silent for the day!
Let's continue with a bit of bittersweet news. Ugly Betty, one of my favorite shows on television, was cancelled but the series was ended appropriately though a little bit sudden in my opinion. However, rumors on the internet have been spreading that Ugly Betty will be making an appearance in the box office! I don't know about you but I will be first in line to purchase my ticket to see Betty once again making a splash in the publishing industry!! Let's hope ABC doesn't fuck this up too...
I'd like to make a criticism of the final episode of Ugly Betty but there are those who are reading my blog that do not wish to be spoiled of the ending of Ugly Betty.
Now, all aboard the drama train!
I feel like I'm starting to not really matter anymore to my friends and family. Like, if I were to die, everyone would be sad for about a few minutes and then get on with their lives. Now, let me just get one thing clear. I may be a selfish brat who is still a child inside but damn it, I am a good friend! (Or at least I hope I am...) However, it's been so apparent lately that what I feel is a strong connection with another human being doesn't mean shit to others. Like, really! Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Am I a bad friend? Am I being selfish by trying to keep them close? Is it so wrong that I try to protect my friends and look out for them?
I'll edit this post and type more later. It's time for my English class...