So, as I struggle with my newfound hatred towards men, I look on the internet for blogs that I can read and I stumble across my friend's tumblr account in which it contains this related picture.
Yeah, it's true... Guys are assholes. At least I'll always have men... in video games.Here's some sketches of Dojima and Souji... :3
Anyways, I've been a little sick today so I wasn't able to go to school today. Speaking of school, I am thinking about being an art major because I feel some creative energy inside of me that is begging to be released. However, I've heard a lot of horror stories about art graduates and how it's next to impossible to make money as an artist. Maybe I should learn how to draw first so that I can get ahead in life as an artist. (and to draw more DojimaxSouji pics...)