Nov 22, 2005 00:53
Have you ever..
1. Fallen for your neighbor? Erin, Oh yeah.
2. Made out with just a friend? Yes, all the time.
3. Been rejected? UmHm.
5. Used someone? Yes.
6. Been used? Yes.
7. Been Kissed? Yes.
8. Done something you regret? YES
9. Cried just to get out of trouble? I actually don't think I have. My parents always let me out of trouble.
Who was the last person...
10. You talked to? Missy
11. You hugged? Wrestled with those boys at the park, does that count?
12. you imed? Jeffy.
13. You Missed? Jesus.
15. You yelled at? Trey
16. You laughed with? Missy
17. Who broke your heart? ugh.
18. Who told you they loved you? Missy
Have you / Do you / Are you...
20. Have a Birthmark? No
21. Have any piercing? Yes
22. Have a 6 pack? Beer is gross.
23. Own your own house? No.
24. Own a nice car? Yes
25. Speak any languages? English.
26. Cook your own Dinner? No.
27. Color your hair? Yes.
29. Stolen anything? No
30. Smoked? No
32. Obessive? Depends about what.
33. ADD? No
34. Have a crush on someone? No
35. Panic? Depends.
36. Anxiety? Not recently.
37. Depressed? No, more like stressed.
38. Control Freak? Nah
39. Obsessed with hate? No
40. Have a tattoo? Not yet!
41. If you could be anywhere, where would it be? Disney World
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? No
43.What feature do you find most attractive on girls/guy? Hair
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? It she was a Republican.
45. Would you marry for money? Yes
46. Have you had braces? Yes
47. Do you wear lip gloss? Yes
48. Do you sing in the shower? Caught In the Rain.
50. Could you live without a computer? Yea, but I wouldn't want to.
52. Do you use AOL, MSN, YaHoo? AIM
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be? Back when Jesus lived.
54. Do you wear white socks? MALTEENIES!!
55. Do you wear shoes? Yes.
56. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries.
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? Both
58. What is your favorite place to visit? BayouSide Park, when its warm.
59. Fav DVD? Lost Boys
60. Do you kiss on the first date? You kiss, then he asks you on the date.
61. Are you photogenic? No
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? Color
63. What are you wearing right now? Jeans and a Pull Over
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? Depends.
65. Do you have dimples? Yea
66. Do you remember being born? No. I don't think ppl can.
67. Why do you take surveys? They are fun.
70. What is the best accent? Not a Down The Bayou one.
71. Who do you want to kiss? Johnny Depp?
72. Do you like sunsets? Yea
73. Do you want to live to be 100? No
74. If not, why? Cause then i'll be old and decrepied.
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? Yes.
76. Are you loyal? Depends on what.
77. Are you tolerant of other people? No
81. When did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? When I made him sign a paper, and knew it was my dads handwritting.
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? Umm like 20.
84. Do you write poetry? No, I'm not Emo LOL
85. Snore? Depends
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? Sides
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs? Cats
88. Do you lick stamps? NO you can have roach eggs in your tongue.
89. Do you use an electric can opener? No
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? No
91. Like your name? No, ask the other 1,000,000 Brittany's if they like it.
92. Were you named after anyone? No
93. Do you wish on stars? I have before.
94. Which finger is your favorite? Middle one.
95. When did you last cry? The Other Night
98. What is the num. 1 priority in your life? I'd rather not say.
99. Any bad habits? Yes
100. How many kids do you want? As many as god sends I guess.