(no subject)

Nov 12, 2009 18:09

I've been sick with some mysterious ailment for the past 3 days. It takes the form of a fever, headaches, malaise, swelling and ulcerations on my soft palate and in the back of my throat. It's difficult to swallow, and I'm not coughing, sneezing, or congested. There was pus hanging out a few days ago.

I made an appointment to see my doctor yesterday, but I was unable to see my usual doctor, because the clinic was short-handed. I had to go to urgent care - I've been to this clinic before, and they treat their patients like rebus monkeys.

The last time I went to this clinic, I had a UTI. I knew I had one, because I tend to get them every year or so, but I couldn't visit my doctor because it was on a Sunday or something like that. So I walk in there, thinking it's going to be a matter of pissing in a cup, telling the doctor my symptoms, and getting a prescription. NOT SO! I ended up getting a very uncomfortable examination, for lo and behold, an STD. Because I couldn't possibly know what was wrong with my body, and I must have been lying to the doctor because of my shame.

After that she admitted that I did have a UTI and was somewhat crestfallen as she wrote my prescription.

This time I waited like, half and hour to give them my insurance stuff and copay, waited another 15 minutes to get my weight checked by the nurse. He took my blood pressure and temperature (which was incorrect because I had taken a fever reducer about two hours before) and then asked me my symptoms.

"Uh, I took a fever reducer."
"Is that why you're here? You have a fever?"
"No, I've got some swelling and ulcers, sore throat."

He then took me to another room, where I waited for the doctor. This guy came in and said hello, asked me why I was there, what my symptoms were.

"I have a fever, sore throat, headache and sores on the back of my throat.
"Hmm, and do you have a fever?"

After that incredible conversation he looked into my mouth and informed me that the ulcers were "classically viral". He didn't tell me what it was, but he told me it probably wasn't strep because my neck hadn't swollen up. He didn't prescribe me anything, but he did take a swab test for strep throat. He told me to drink tea and honey.


cool story

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