Sep 03, 2005 19:28
School started. Wow. This year is going to go by so fast. It's scary how we're growing up. PSAT's and SAT's are coming up. Then college. Exciting. LOL. I hope I will qualify for the National Merit Finalist after all those Princeton Review classes I took during the summer. It would suck if I didn't because I spent so much time. It would be surprising if I did then I could get into any college. What a paradox..anways thought it was time that I updated since I haven't since school ended. School is school. Taking six academics this year. Gave up orchestra for AP Art History. *sniffles* I'll miss it after five years. I've took driving lessons over the summer too, learning how to drive SAFELY. That's always important. Took some a class at the community college. It wasn't as hard as I expected..I guess I was expecting a class full of brillant people discussing all these perspicacious topics..perspicacious that's not the right word..but whatever. Atleast I completed like 140 hours of community service during the summer. Did rec. games in summer school for two weeks..which was good cuz i was in shape for two weeks. Been procrastinating, thinking alot. One more year. Considering my college options. So much to think about. So little time.
I've been at watching the news alot lately too. I remember how I was so scared last year when the first hurricane hit us. By the time the fourth hurricane hit us I became so use to it that it didn't even bother me. I even considered it fun. Staying in hotels. Room service. Watching movies all day. Attending school for two days then getting a month off. Listening to the soothing rain and winds. Probably because when the first hurricane hit I stayed home which wasn't so much fun. I was so fortunate. We had minor damage just had to replace the shingles on my old house. Now I watch the news, seeing all those shell shocked people stranded on roof tops, starving, dying, grieving, looting, fuming over the conditions they're living in, returning to homes completely destroyed, losing all their possesions and even family members, I realized how incredibly fortunate I was. How fortunate my neighbors were. How fortunate my friends were. I don't think we can even comprehend the suffering the the people in New Orleans are experiencing.