Wheels keep on turning!

Aug 03, 2008 19:45

The squirrels have emerged essentially victorious. In possible retaliation for the forced relocation of one of their own, fueled by a successful & casualty-free raid on the peanut butter & granola baited trap, they have chewed down "every tomato plant in sight" (we're talking a dozen or so) and banged up everything else. I for one have been forced to welcome our new tree-rat overlords. At this point, I wish they're hurry up and chew down everything else; I'm sick of watering the straggling survivors, bluntly.

Lived through another Morning Glory ride today. This one went exceptionally smooth, the biggest issues were a snagged shoelace, a wildly dialing cellphone bouncing about in the backpack, & Guy cutting a finger. They'd nixed the Devou park "mountain-climb" in favor of a few extra miles of riverside flatland. Decent, I hardly feel like I'm going to keel over today at all. No photos, unfortunately. You try doing like 30 miles of biking at 4:30 AM in teh middle of August, see if you're still inclined to use aq 5-lb camera to take photos. Unfortunately, much of one's attention is focused on not throwing up.

Now to write my history take-home midterm for Mad-Eye Moody, mow the lawn, and try to get ready to do the thing at the place Wed morning.

Summary; "Busy, productive, yet not terribly exciting." That's likely to change later in the week as I help the dame celebrate her 30th whatsit.

You call this a paper??
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