Title: Since You Went Away - Chapter Twenty-Three: The Pajama Game Authors: i-must-go-first & UbiquitousMixie Fandom: Brenda/Sharon, The CloserRating: M
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Yes, I seriously squeed when I saw the update. It's always unexpected and a pleasure.
I think this is my favorite B/S piece. They way you handle these two is exquisite. And poor Brenda having to learn patience.
I'm enjoying the hell out of this ride, I'd rather updates are slow in coming if it means the story continues to take care of its characters in such a way instead of changing pace.
Comments 4
I think this is my favorite B/S piece. They way you handle these two is exquisite. And poor Brenda having to learn patience.
I'm enjoying the hell out of this ride, I'd rather updates are slow in coming if it means the story continues to take care of its characters in such a way instead of changing pace.
Keep on writing.
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