Title: Edge Prompt: Laura and Ellen are not exactly friends. Challenge: A to Z Drabble Meme; V is for Vocal Fandom: Laura/Bill, Ellen/Saul, Battlestar Galactica Requested by: surena_13Rating: PG13
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I love this conversation! Laura's flashbacks are hot and so is Ellen's unexpected confession. This scenario is delightfully plausible and I really enjoy your writing style. (Found this fic through your tumblr, yay!)
Comments 2
As always, you've perfectly captured Laura's character; her need to be just Laura and not a title or a profession.
I love the way Laura has gotten used to Ellen's rather blunt way of talking and can almost give as good as she gets.
I feel like this is something that could have actually happened during the year that they didn't show on BSG.
It's great. And a great use of the prompt too!
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