Title: No Sweeter Taste Prompt: “I’m cravin’ you and pancakes-in that order.” Challenge: A to Z Drabble Meme; Y is for Yummy Fandom: Brenda/Sharon, The Closer Requested by: ladyblackwellRating: PG13
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replaced instead by the promise of languid lovemaking and lazing the day away with her best friend.
So cute! Brenda worming her way into Sharon's Sunday morning routine was just adorable. And them sharing the orange - most of the time in fic when food is consumed in bed, it's sexual, and this isn't, it's about them enjoying one another's company, taking pleasure in a moment together which is really flail-inducing and I can't come up with an adjective for how sweet this is.
*sigh* So romantic and domestic at the same time. I love their established relationship and how at ease they are with each other.And they just seem so completely happy.
Their characterizations were perfect and the fluff was just made me feel all warm inside. Thank you for this story!
Comments 5
So cute! Brenda worming her way into Sharon's Sunday morning routine was just adorable. And them sharing the orange - most of the time in fic when food is consumed in bed, it's sexual, and this isn't, it's about them enjoying one another's company, taking pleasure in a moment together which is really flail-inducing and I can't come up with an adjective for how sweet this is.
Edited for coherence.
Their characterizations were perfect and the fluff was just made me feel all warm inside. Thank you for this story!
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