Title: Too Little Too Late
Prompt: Callie imagines what her life would have been like if she had stopped Addison from moving to L.A.
Challenge: 100 Fic Challenge (#9)
Fandom: Callie/Addison, Grey's Anatomy
Requested by:
lakelaRating: PG
Word Count: 528
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: I tend not to write a lot of angst with this pairing, but this was the first place my mind went to after receiving this prompt. Do let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Callie Torres is being haunted by recurring daydreams. She moves through each day being assaulted by visions and fantasies and immaterialized hopes. The means are different every time, but the outcome is always the same. By one attempt or another, Callie convinces Addison to stay in Seattle.
In the beginning, the daydream was always about the benefit of the hospital. Seattle Grace has been hurting for a good neonatal surgeon since Addison vacated the position. Though Ortho doesn't often intersect with this specialty, there have been a few cases where the fill-in has left a lot to be desired. It's not that they can't do the job; they're just not Addison.
It didn't take long for Callie's motives to evolve regarding why she wanted Addison to stay. She just plain missed having her around. It never occurred to her how much she needed Addison's friendship until she no longer had it. It wasn't that they had stopped being friends altogether, but Callie was well aware that the relationship had changed. They didn't talk as often. The emails became shorter. The promises to visit each other became less frequent. Callie knew it wasn't for a lack of trying: Addison was simply too absorbed in adjusting to California living.
When Callie realized she was jealous of Addison's new (old) friends and of her attempts at resurrecting her love life, she knew that her desires for Addison's presence in Seattle had taken a turn. She didn't understand at first why she missed the way Addison's hair smelled or why she missed the way Addison's body felt against hers when they danced at the bar. It shocked Callie when she woke up after steamy dreams about the redhead or when her intimate thoughts immediately turned to her.
Callie had fallen in love with Addison without even realizing it.
She catches herself thinking about her constantly. She'll be standing in line in the cafeteria and remember Addison digging through the piles of fruit salad, trying to find one with more strawberries and less pineapple. She'll be scrubbing in and remember how Addison would sway her hips to silent music while she lathered her arms. She'll be at Joe's and remember how their knees always touched under the bar.
While memories consume her days, what ifs consume her nights. She lies in bed, staring at the shadows on the wall while she constructs all the different scenarios of what could have been. She assumes the worst: Addison is disgusted with Callie's feelings and vows never to see her again. She assumes the best: Addison reciprocates these feelings and they live happily ever after. She imagines every shade of gray in between, but more often than not she focuses on the scenarios where they spend the rest of their lives sharing the same pillow.
When Callie curls up on her side and realizes that Addison is hundreds of miles away and isn't likely to return, she cries. She cries over the loss of her friendship. She cries for loneliness that is so stifling that she has to remind herself how to breathe. Most of all, she cries for the love that will never be returned.