So, there have been requests in the past for various RPF pairings and I have resisted like hell to write them. I NEVER read them myself because I find them to be…I don't know…sort of ridiculous and comical. It's one thing to try to write about a fictional character, but to write about REAL people? *shudders* I am sort of squeamish about them because I don't want them to be disrespectful and I don't want them to seem "out of character" -- and even that sounds silly because these are real people, not made up characters…although…one could argue that the image a celebrity portrays in the media is just a part of what comprises them as a whole, which could be seen as almost fictional in a way…
Right -- that's clearly me just trying to assuage my guilt for being a filthy hypocrite.
People have been asking that I write Meryl Streep/Amy Adams fanfics…and I actually have written a few. I can't seem to help it. People ask, I say no, the ideas enter my brain, and then I'm powerless to stop the writing that ensues.
So, I offer to you three smutty Meryl/Amy RPFs. I do not claim in any way to have succeeded in writing them "in character." They are also not heavily beta'd. If this sort of thing offends you, TURN BACK NOW!
Each fic is posted in its own published Google Doc. Each is very much NC17. Please do let me know what you think…comments are love.
Guilty Pleasures A Little More Time Free Falling *hides beneath blankets*