Title: Gray Area
Prompt: selfish
Fandom: Mulder/Scully, Frohike, The X Files
Requested by:
kitnkabootleRating: PG13
Word Count: 737
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: I was going out of my mind today while I was doing some work for my dad and I begged Kit for a prompt to give me something to daydream about. This is the resulting fic. It's been a while since I've written anything XF related, so I hope this is in character! Let me know what you think! Enjoy!
The faint crunch of leather is comforting to Frohike's ears as he crosses his arms over his chest. He hugs his forearms close, bracing himself against the inevitable discomfort that accompanies a visit with the friendly neighborhood g-men. He keeps himself partly in the shadows while Byers explains the process of an advanced technological weapon.
He watches.
He should step in, should contribute the breadth of knowledge he has on the subject. He would no doubt impress Agent Scully with what he could tell her.
But he doesn't.
He watches the two of them, his beady eyes staring through the thick lenses of his glasses while he studies them. Mulder converses with Byers about the encoded material lacing the ammunition of the weapon. Mulder's eyes are wide and he talks quickly; he's excited. He stands there, build like a GQ model, and his enthusiasm clearly evidenced. He's like a kid on Christmas.
Frohike shifts his gaze to Scully and watches her watch Mulder. Her disinterest is clear. Perhaps she doesn't think they need to be there. She's the skeptic, after all. Frohike finds her constant denial of everything within a gray area to be endearing.
Frohike himself is a gray area. On the surface he's a short, scruffy, unattractive computer nerd. He knows this to be a fact and doesn't try to delude himself into thinking otherwise. He's more than that, more than what immediately meets the eye. Scully will never see that he has a penchant for spoiling others, a habit of remembering little details like her favorite type of tea or that she gets little tension headaches when Mulder and the other Gunmen talk too quickly about things she doesn't understand.
Mulder is not a gray area. He is solid fact, pure black and white.
Scully brushes a lock of her magnificent red hair behind her ear and stares at Mulder with rapt attention. Her feelings for him are written all over her face. She breaks her stare and looks to Langley, asking him to explain more about what's encoded on the ammo. Like clockwork, Mulder's eyes shift from his compatriots to Scully. He looks like a lovesick puppy.
Frohike has the urge to kick him.
It's almost farcical to watch the two of them with their missed glances and their denial of their feelings. Frohike has to wonder sometimes if they're ever at it like rabbits on their frequent trips across the country, but he can see it in the way they act around each other that they haven't so much as kissed.
Much as Frohike considers Mulder a friend, he can't help but think him a selfish son of a bitch.
He has to know how Scully feels about him. She's not exactly subtle when she's pissed off or upset, so Frohike can't imagine that she'd be any more subtle with the remainder of her emotions.
Maybe behind that pouty, great-haired exterior, Mulder's an idiot. Maybe he just doesn't want to see what's right in front of him.
It's such a waste. Mulder's got a delectable goddess right in front of him and doesn't take advantage of it. He keeps her always within arm's reach, but not close enough to let her completely in.
It makes her unavailable to other men. Frohike knows that by now, she won't even look at another guy in the same way that she looks at Mulder.
Frohike knows he doesn't stand a chance. He's not delusional, but he can sense that she's lonely. She deserves better than what Mulder is giving her.
The partners' eyes almost meet but they both look away before the other knows they were looking. It would amuse Frohike if it didn't make him sad for what Scully is missing and angry for what Mulder is selfishly ignoring.
Their visit is brief. Once they've collected the information they need, the agents say their goodbyes and prepare to head for the door. Scully gives a half-smile and waves at them all. Frohike feels his face flush with heat when she makes eye contact with him and he waves back. She turns away. Mulder flashes a smile, places a hand at the small of her back, and guides her through the door.
Frohike sighs. He'd give anything for a chance to touch her like that.
He has to remind himself that he likes Mulder, that they're friends.
He can't help but hate him sometimes though.